
Mah’koos is an acknowledged Canadian Métis Elder from Northern Alberta as well as a 4th Generation Shaman, Spiritual Guide and certified Reiki Master and Practitioner. The name Mah’koos, meaning bear cub, was given to him in recognition of his contribution. He is a seasoned keynote speaker and workshop presenter. His workshop “Medicine Wheel Training” has been presented at leading education centers across Canada.

In addition to his numerous workshops, Mah’koos contributes knowledge via sweat lodge, drum, rock, crystal, eagle feather, sweetgrass, canoe, Ojibway and star blanket teachings as well as Finding Voices in a Sacred Circle, Talking Circle and Forgiveness Circle.

Mah’koos is available for personal tobacco readings, healing ceremonies, reiki, cultural teachings and spiritual workshops.

My Grandfather, My Grandmother and Doggie
Written & Illustrated by Mah’koos (Micheal) Merrier

Things were different growing up in Northern Alberta in the 1950s. There was wood to chop if you wanted to stay warm and cook, ducks to hunt if you wanted to eat, and kerosene to fetch if you wished to have light. No television or computers. No phones. But there was also fun and lots of love. So Moshom, Nokum and Doggie raised Little Cub to become Mah’koos to fulfill his calling.

| Available through Grey Goose Press |

Contact Mah’koos Today


After 20 years as a school counsellor and cultural instructor, Mah’koos retired from the Edmonton Catholic School Board in 2006. Since then, Mah’koos has traveled across Canada as a keynote speaker and has presented for Head Start, Alberta Sport, Recreation, Parks & Wildlife Foundation, the International Association of Women Police and with education facilities including Lac La Biche, Grande Prairie, NorQuest and Grant MacEwan Colleges and the University of Alberta. When in Edmonton, he continues to work part-time with teens struggling with addiction through the Edmonton Catholic Schools.

Workshops coordinated and presented by Mah’koos include:

Medicine Wheel Training
Suicide Prevention
Team Building
Traditional Parenting Skills
Five Ways of Healing
Drum Vibes Meditations
Forgiveness, Self-Forgiveness & Unforgivable
Anger Management
Mission School Syndrome and the Ripple Effects
Art Reading & Water Colour Therapy
Traditional Story Telling, Intuition, Visions & Dreams
Aura & Energy Readings to Remove Past Blockage
Building Relationships
Vision Quest Fasting
What Does It Got to Do with Love
Fire Forgiveness Ceremony

Teachings include:

Sweat Lodge
Eagle Feather
Star Blanket

Circles include:

Finding Voices in a Sacred Circle
Talking Circle
Forgiveness Circle

Mah’koos is available for personal tobacco readings, healing ceremonies, reiki, cultural teachings and spiritual workshops.

Contact Mah’koos Today


Mah’koos who is guided by two spirit guides named Markus and Sheela. He offers the following personal services in and around Edmonton, AB.

Each service is paid for by sacred tobacco and a fee.  The tobacco must be purchased by the client, held close to the body and untouched by others.

Readings | Tobacco + Fee

Aura Readings (Permission Requested)
May confirm health issues, walk-in visitors, addiction entities (Boogie), inner child, teen or adult blocks, trauma, self-forgiveness, or soul retrieval. 

Spirit Tobacco Readings

Reiki | Tobacco + Fee

Shaman Reiki Healings

Meditations for Help & Protection | Tobacco + Fee

Self (Suicide Prevention)

Other | Tobacco + Fee

Dream Interpretation
Retrieving Lost Soul Energy
Land/House Cleansings
Vibrational Drum Healings
Star Blanket & Rattle Healings for the Sick
Detaching from Past Relationships
Elder Services & Cultural Mentoring

Contact Mah’koos Today


Workshops vary from three to five days in length and are designed for individuals, parents, frontline workers, and other professionals.  Workshops are facilitated in the community with unlimited numbers of participants welcome.

Medicine Wheel Training (3 Days)

Life Changing
Create Awareness
Better Sleep / Dream Recall
Dream Understanding
Power of the Four Winds
Better Health

Paranormal Teachings (3 Days)

Haunted Homes, Vehicles & Furnishings
Black Flies
Strange Smells
Shadow People
Ghosts / Boogies

Story Telling (3 Days)

True Paranormal Events
Shamanic Journeying – Higher, Middle & Lower Worlds
Meeting with Shadow Man
Shamanic Journeying – Jasper, Alberta
Palisades Camp

Suicide Prevention
Team Building
Traditional Parenting Skills
Five Ways of Healing
Drum Vibes Meditations
Forgiveness, Self-Forgiveness & Unforgivable
Anger Management
Mission School Syndrome and the Ripple Effects
Art Reading & Water Colour Therapy
Traditional Story Telling, Intuition, Visions & Dreams
Aura & Energy Readings to Remove Past Blockage
Building Relationships
Vision Quest Fasting
What Does It Got to Do with Love
Fire Forgiveness Ceremony

Contact Mah’koos Today


I’ve had the honor of attending Shaman Mah’koos’ healing circles and experiencing his powerful vibrational drum healing. He is a kind, gentle, and deeply intuitive healer whose work has truly touched my heart. The monthly healing circles he leads are transformative. They’ve given me a safe and nurturing space to express myself, connect with others, and embark on a journey of self-love and forgiveness. Each session is a reminder of the beauty of community and the power of healing energy. Shaman Mah’koos has a presence that feels deeply familiar and comforting, much like the wisdom and warmth of a beloved grandfather. His experience and dedication shine through in everything he does, creating an environment where true healing can happen. If you’re seeking healing, clarity, or connection, I whole heartedly recommend Shaman Mah’koos. His work is a gift, and I’m so grateful to have crossed paths with him. – Yuki

I am so grateful to have met Mah’koos. His knowledge, his wisdom, and his ability to heal are truly amazing. I am blessed to have had many sessions with him but even more so, to be able to now call him a friend.

My experience with Mah’koos has been truly miraculous and I am so grateful for his kindness, wisdom, and gift of healing. For me, it is the closest that I have ever been to experiencing a miracle in my life. I was being followed by crows and Mah’koos warned me I needed to get my heart checked. I scheduled an echocardiogram and it was determined I had a mass on my heart and was prescribed medications. 8 months later, and my heart is functioning properly. I don’t know what ​Mah’koos did – or how he knew– but I do know with absolute certainty that he saved me. – Chris S.

A Life-Changing Experience with Mah’koos.

I discovered Mah’koos at the perfect time in my life. I was navigating challenges and questions I couldn’t quite answer or understand. His tobacco reading was spot on, reflecting a deep understanding of what I was going through. With his profound guidance, wisdom, and powerful healing methods—including clearing sessions, I was able to remove unwanted visitors from my life, both energetic and emotional.

This transformative process not only empowered me but also deepened my connection to God in ways I had never imagined. Since working with Mah’koos, I feel a clarity I haven’t experienced in years. My fatigue and brain fog have lifted, leaving me feeling more alive and motivated than ever. My intuition has grown stronger, and a profound sense of peace now flows through my entire being.

Mah’koos is a truly gifted shaman, and his presence is nothing short of extraordinary. His ability to connect with Spirit and bring deep healing is remarkable. If you’re seeking clarity, empowerment, or a renewed sense of purpose, I cannot recommend Mah’koos enough. This journey has been life-changing, and I am forever grateful for the light and strength he has helped me uncover within myself.

I met Mah’koos years ago in high school, when he did a tobacco reading for me that was incredibly empowering. During my childhood, I had made prayers in a night lodge with other elders (around  2002-2003), prayers that only I and my ancestors – mosom and kokum- knew about. When I first met and received a reading from Mah’koos in 2012, he gave me answers to those very prayers, a deeply emotional moment for me since no one else knew about them.  Though I lost touch with him over the years, I often thought of him and prayed to Creator for an elder to guide me back to our roots. In June 2024, I reconnected with Mah’koos, expecting just a tobacco reading, but left with him as my elder. In just a few months, his healing work has been profound, and I feel deeply connected to our teachings and culture. He has touched my heart and changed my life for the better. He is my earth angel. – Morning Song

I first reached out to Mah’koos for guidance on healing from the loss of my child to childhood trauma etc.  Mah’koos is an excellent listener, kind, caring, understanding, nonjudgemental, and easy to talk to.  Mah’koos’ readings were accurate, keen, and remarkable.  The several healing practices that Mah’koos had conducted on me were the drum, and rattle vibrations with eagle feathers to cleanse me.  Not only did he do a cleansing on me he also got rid of negative energies in my home with prayers and vibrations, with drumming, rattles, church bells, and smudge.  Mah’koos has also done pressure points healings to release the trauma and grief unbeknownst to me, that I was holding onto in different areas of my body.  Mah’koos has even conducted a blessing on me at Lake St. Anne and has guided me on how to receive healings from nature as well, providing I do a proper protocol with the offerings of tobacco and asking permission first, etc.  I also was given guidance on how to protect myself from evil.  After being under Mah’koos’ guidance and care I no longer suffer from PTSD and have new coping skills to deal with my losses, etc. The more Mah’koos did healings on me the more my desire grew to live the Red Road.  As an aboriginal person living in an urban environment, I feel more connected to Creator, myself, and this world even more so than before meeting with Mah’koos.  Every day, I learn something new that strengthens my skills to live life in a positive manner, hence, I no longer cling to my past in pain and shame and so forth.  My family and I are truly grateful for Mah’koos’ dedication, guidance, knowledge, patience, and wisdom in spiritual healings.  Every day, my spirituality grows as I learn more from Mah’koos’ teaches of our Aboriginal Culture, something I had lacked from living in the city for many years.  As I continue to heal so does my family.  There are no words to describe the gratitude I have for Mah’koos, he truly changed my life in ways I never thought possible.  I can honestly say my days are brighter and I laugh more now.  I’m really liking this new version of myself as I learn to connect with my children as well, I now focus on what’s important in my life.  I am very proud to say I am now one of Mah’koos’ students.  Thank you Mah’koos for teaching me to keep moving forward with love in my heart, to never stop learning, and to be adventurous.  My life is truly blessed and I have Mah’koos to thank for this major change in my life and my children’s lives as well.  As Mah’koos would say, “Life is majestic.” – MA Hiy Hiy

Contact Mah’koos Today